Interior Design FAQs
What is the difference between an Interior Designer & an Interior Decorator?
The two terms are often used interchangeably without the realization that there is a significant difference between them. An Interior Decorator typically deals exclusively with surfaces, furniture, and decor. An Interior Designer is more specialized in the sense that they must complete a certain level of education and are often licensed under ASID (American Society of Interior Designers), though it is not required. This makes them qualified to work with commercial spaces and safety standards like disability accessibility and building & safety codes. Interior Designers, while they do work with surfaces and materials, often focus more on the space planning and the flow through the space.
What is your fee schedule?
Our consultation fee is $80/hour and $20 for every quarter hour following. As for our design packages, the scope of services and fee for said services will be custom to you in order for you to get the most out of the package according to your needs and budget. Our e-Design packages are a great start for those who aren't sure if they need a full Interior Design contract. Each e-Design package is set at a flat rate and allows you to work according to your own schedule and shop on your own time. The e-Design packages range from $75 to $450 per room and will be tailored to your style and budget.
Do I have to purchase a full interior design package, or can I use my designer as needed?
Our scope of services will always be custom tailored to you and your budget. If you're looking to chat with a designer for a couple hours to put you on the right path or you just need a space plan and some material suggestions, we can make it happen. You never need to feel obligated to buy something you don't need. We're always happy to sit down and chat with you about what service package will best fit your needs or tell you if you need us at all. Our goal is to create a custom scope to give you the most out of what we offer and keep it affordable.
What design styles do you work with?
We work with a variety of styles and variations or combinations of styles. Our designers, of course, have their own personal tastes, but we are always seeking to create a design that suites our clients to the tee. If you're not sure what your style is, you can check out our Pinterest page here to find out. In the questionnaire that you will fill out before the initial consultation, we ask for you to describe your style and your likes/dislikes to find more about who you are so we know what direction we'll be going.
What information should I have before scheduling a consultation?
For starters, it's good to know what your intended use of the space is (though we would be happy to help you figure that out) as well as the time frame you'd like to work with and your budget for each space. It's also helpful to know your style/design likes and dislikes (think colors, textures, furniture, home decor stores) so we know what to steer clear of and what to incorporate. It's also good to know what furniture you already own that you would like to keep or use in each space and what furniture and decor you might need that you don't already have (i.e. if the space is too dark, you might need more light fixtures).